Manjushri Sacred Art Card #15

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Manjushri Sacred Art Card #15

Potala Gate


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Seated on the back of a snow lion, theGreat Bodhisattva Manjushri, embodiment of enlightened wisdom,emerges from a landscape of land, water, and sky. His upraised rightarm brandishes the flaming sword of knowledge that cuts throughillusion and reveals the heart of reality.
Mantra: Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi!

His left hand holds thestem of a lotus which supports a book containing the Prajnaparamita,the profound heart of the Buddha's teachings. Together, book, lotus,and sword are powerful reminders of enlightened wisdom, compassion,and skillful application, the central elements of the Mahayana Path.

At lower left, a scholar wearing thepandita's peaked hat hold up an offering of gold, indicating theimmeasurable value of the teachings and the willingness to devotebody, speech, and mind to their realization. -back description

Size: 5" by 7"