Tormas & Plates
According to Rigpa Wiki:
"The meaning of Torma.Guru Padmasambhava said: Tor: Means to give without attachment. Ma: Means completely present. So "tor" refers to giving without any attachment or grasping in the mind and "Ma" to when what is given is completely present to the perception of the guest. The essence of the torma is the dharmadhatu, which is the utterly pure nature of the world, and the wisdom of rigpa, the completely pure nature of the sentient beings inhabiting the world—it is the indivisible union of emptiness (the object) and wisdom (the subject)".
There are four ways for Tormas to be used. The Torma can be visualized as the principal deity during practice, during the time of offering the torma is limitless desirable offerings, during receiving blessings as the wisdom nectar, and in order to reverse negative forces as a magical weapon with great compassion.
Presenting a large selection of Tormas, plates and substances in Potala Gate.
Lion Face Dakini Torma Out of stock
Longchen Rabjam Torma Out of stock
Tor-Duk: Torma Umbrella $11.99
Wrathful Food Torma - Dakpo Shaltse #33 $89.89
Kangshak Dorje Tholoa Torma $175.00
Gold Color Torma Stand from $49.99
Copper Torma Plate with Stand from $39.99
Silver Color Torma Plate from $44.99
Peaceful White Torma - Sheva Shalze #35 from $26.99
Torma Peaceful White _Shewa Shaltze #19 from $19.99
Incense Torma Offering #23 from $9.99
Torma Peaceful Flower-Metok #20 from $19.99
Torma Wrathful Red Food Offering - Drakpo Shaltze #21 Out of stock
Torma Wrathful Flower Offering -Wangpo Metok # 22 from $19.99
Rivo Sangchod Torma $155.00
Torma Substance {Tor zey} #31 $8.00
Green Tara Torma $149.99
Tsokyi Tuktik /Tsokyi Thuk Thik Torma #10 $89.99
Torma Plate Copper Xsmall #24 from $2.99
Torma Plate Copper Sm #25 from $4.00
Torma Copper Plate Medium #26 from $5.00
Torma Plate Large #27 from $6.00
Torma Plate XL #28 from $6.99
Elegant Torma Plate #30 $38.99
Antiqued 8 Auspicious Symbols Resin Torma #24 $34.99
Wrathful Flower Torma - Wanpo Metok #34 $89.98
100 Deities Torma #1 Out of stock
Exquisite Throma Nagmo Torma #17 $149.99
Khandro Thug-Thik Torma in Tersar Lineage. #13 $149.99
Khadro Dechen Gyalmo #9 $149.99
Lama Rigzin Dupa #5 $159.99
Throma Nagmo Torma #16 $78.99
Red Tara Torma #40 $139.99
Phurba Torma #14 $89.99
Chenre zig Torma #no 37 $149.99
100 Deity Torma #2 $144.99
Phurba Vajrakilaya Torma in Tersar Lineage #15 $158.99
TsoKyi Thuk Thik / Tsokyi Tuktik Torma #11 $149.99
Yidam Palchen Dupa #7 $149.99
Yidam Palchen Dupa Torma #6 $89.99