Marpa Lotsawa

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Marpa Lotsawa

Potala Gate


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Marpa Lotsawa Chokyi Lodro was one of the most intrepid translators of the 11th century. He traveled from Tibet to India and brought back many Buddhist teachings.

Marpa Chökyi Lodrö, was born in Lhodrak Chukhyer to a well-to-do family. He began studying at a young age and was wild and untamed compared to other children. Marpa first received training for three years at Mangkhar with Drokmi Shakya Yeshe and mastered the Sanskrit language. He decided to travel to India to study dharma with renowned Indian buddhist masters.

Marpa was the founder of Kagyudpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.Marpa had numerous disciples. The four most outstanding students were known as the “Four Pillars:” 1) Ngok Chöku Dorje, who became the principal student to receive the transmissions and master the explanations of the Tantras, 2) Tsurtön Wanggi Dorje, who became the main student to receive the transmissions and master the practice of Phowa [transference of conciousness], 3) Meytön Chenpo, who became the primary student to receive the transmissions and master the practice of Ösal [luminosity], and 4) Milarepa, who became the principal student to receive the full transmissions and master the view, meditation, and conduct.

This is a fine quality statue made form Oxidized Copper with Silver Plate. Hand made in Patan, Nepal by professional artist.

Height : 4.75"

Width: 3.60"

Depth: 2.5"