Akama Healing Incense #44

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Akama Healing Incense #44

Potala Gate


Akama healing incense is a brand new higher end collection by Bonpo Tsang Agarbathi who is the maker of Emaho, Shinkham Kunkhyab and other great Tibetan Incense. 

It is prepared from several different medicinal herbs and spices from Himalayan ranges of Tibet to tropical rainforest of India. It is based on sectret tantric text by great Indian scholar and tradition of Tibetan with purely handmade and natural ingredients.

Ingredients: Juniper, Cedar wood, Sandalwood, Rosa Staves, Clove, Cardamon, Nutmeg, Nakka, Costus, frankincense, Bdellium, saffron, rhododendron, carthamus, picrorhiza etc. 

Size of Incense Stick: 8" long

Box contain 25 stick plus a small incense holder/burner