Gongma Duk-Zey: Remove Negative Energy

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Gongma Duk-Zey: Remove Negative Energy SALE


$4.99 $5.99
SKU: 0

Duk-Zey Drea Thon Kun Jom is a powder substance to remove demonic, negative  energy or unease feeling. It is a special substance made at the Sakya Monastery and blessed by H.H Sakya Trichen Rinpoche.

The Duk-Zey in new mix with Juniper for longer lasting and easier burning.

The powerful duk-zey is carefully burned, eliminating any harmful energy and promoting a balanced and positive atmosphere. Experience the benefits of a harmonious environment with Gongma Duk-Zey.

How to use: Burn as incense.

Rare and Limited item!