Tse-Bum Kapto Dzi Bead #4

Potala Gate


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Tse-Bum Kapto which traslates to Treasure Vase facing each other in english.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the treasure vase is a ritual object that symbolizes health, longevity, wealth, and wisdom. It's depicted as a fat vase with a short, slim neck. In the human realm, the treasure vase is said to have the power to: magnetize wealth and abundance, improve health, remove obstacles to long life, pacify anger and warfare, and increase wisdom and compassion.
The Tibetan word Dzi translate as Shine, Brightness or Splendor. This is a Beautiful Four Eye Agate Dzi Bead, keep in mind it is not the antique Tibetan Dzi. This particular one is a very nice replica of original Dzi bead from Agate stone. The real antique ones are very expensive and rare.

Size: 2" long.

From a spiritual standpoint, the Tibetan Dzi beads meaning has been associated with good fortune. It’s thought that some Tibetans believed that Dzi beads were once insects and that discovering the stone was a form of gift recognizing that the person was good-hearted and well-intentioned. Others thought they were worn by demigods who tossed them away when they were anything less than pristine.

Although the geographic origin of dzi beads is uncertain, it is accepted that they are now called "Tibetan beads," just like "Tibetan coral," which also came to Tibet from elsewhere. Tibetans cherish these beads and consider them hereditary gems. In this way they have survived thousands of years, being worn by hundreds of individual people. Dzi are found primarily in  Tibet, but also in neighboring country such as Bhutan, Nepal, Ladakh, Sikkim and Pakistan. 

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