NEW ARRIVALS - Items tagged as "Skull capala"

View all 100 deity torma 1000 arm chenrezig 4 arm chenrezig amethyst pendulum aquamarine mala authentic femur authentic kangling banner bell bell & dorjee set bell & vajra bell and dorje bell and dorjee counter bell and vajra Buddha buddha figurine buddha statue buddhist bell capala chakra pendulu chakra pendulum chenrezig chenrezig for car chenrezig statue coasters conch shell counter counter for prayer bead counters crystal crystal pendulum crystal stone Dakini statue dathar dathar arrow dorje phagmo statue dukkar thangka goddess tara gold buddha pendant gold color torma good luck flag green tara green tara wood carving guru rinpoche pendant guru rinpoche tsa tsa mold handmade flags handmade mandala handmade mandala set healing bowl healing bowls healing buddha healing flag human femur Infinite know wall hanging kangling kapala Lapis mala lapis prayer bead large conch shell large mala counter large shrine table cloth letter holder mala counter mandala cloth mandala coasters mandala offering mandala set mandarava mandarava statue Maroon meditation shawl medicine buddha medicine buddha statue meditation shawl new mandala set om banner padmasambhava gold pashmina shawl peja cover phurba stand prayer bead counter prayer beads rinchen daru Ritual Items rosequartz pendulum shakyamuni buddha shrine brocade shrine cloth Shrine table cloth Singing Bowl sitatapatra thangka skull capala skull kapala skull stand small buddha statue tara Tara flag temple bell text book cover text cover thigh bone thigh bone kangling tibetan coasters tibetan gift tibetan tiger rugs tibetan wall hanging tiger carpet tiger rug torma tsa tsa mold turquoise earring ushinasha sitapatra vajravarahi statue white umbrella Wind chime windchime wood phurba stand yeshi tsogyal yinyang zen zen shawl